

The great or God spirit entered me, and I knew why I was here. It is of ancient tradition formed long ago where a man gifted by mother earth becomes the king of his domain but not in a controlling way. I am free to soar like an eagle with the mighty westerly winds giving me strength to naturally go through storms. The bear and wolf surged through my veins at one time giving me tremendous power of fighting for my own.

My long-lasting psychological war is done, and I can move on past the torments and evil entities that tried to put me down. My mind resolved to organize and keep all the valid and good information and send the angry egotistical child packing and leaving and giving me a new start. The release and feeling are magnificently beautiful, as if only meant for me and the ones I love. Freedom from chains and binding contracts no longer exists.

There is nothing that can hold me back from becoming the person I am meant to be. With an empathetic nature I move forward with a vivid and prolific imagination and helpful attitude that, only, I must act upon. It is a heart-soul connection with my chosen tribe where no matter where any of us are at, we can precognitively sense where any part of our family is. This family is a combination of blood with mostly non-biologically related people of one soul. We may be a small group, but very powerful stewards and servants compared to the whole of creation. Our call is, sometimes, one of guardianship.

Furthermore, it is written in an ancient script derived from distant stars in the form of symbols having meaning of their own. The knowledge was passed down through one seed of hope, faith, and love to guide mankind to its final resting place, eternally, with soon to have long times of serenity. It is a heavenly realm where we will remain safe and at peace.

I dare not hold back this great spirit in me from rising above and beyond.


I awakened from a restful night ready to take on the world and continue training and learning. My life is coming together like it was meant to be. I accept everything that happens, but I pray it is as good as it should be. I am learning to tame my anxiety in ways that are beneficial for me. I am placing accomplishments in my future, thus knowing that everything is all right.

Foundations we build are from experiences and become solid after a while. These walls are boundaries from the people trying to get to me for the wrong reasons, but I made them for loved ones to easily walk through, once they know the code of what God has in store for us. It seems a phantasm to think any of this is real, except that I built my life for me and you, and all of you know who you are for me. I love every one of you unconditionally, even a couple of you I have not met and cannot separate any of this love, as anything less for each of you.

I am most committed to myself for becoming a better person each day, but trying to make you understand that my purpose is not for one person in this life, as written in a romantic fiction novel. I am here to serve, help, and walk home with hopefully decades if not hundreds of people as possible. The home I am talking about is not of this earth, but the one of heaven or when we reach enlightenment. There are a select few that can make it there before leaving this world, and for others, it may take a little time after death to achieve.

The one that will judge me at death is myself, and it will resolve any wrongdoing in this life that I did not forgive myself for, but know it is necessary before moving on to eternity. I may get a chance to come back, or at least spiritually help or guide going through similar circumstances, which may be the best blessing of all, but I do not know for sure.

I do know that love always wins, no matter the harshness, suffering, or pain we go through in this life.


It does not take dozens of actions to encourage someone. A simple thank you will often lift someone’s spirit, but declining feelings and words or something that someone did not say is, often, not beneficial to anyone. People change, which may be good for themselves, but it could be detrimental to others if any of those people’s personality changes in a drastic way. I find myself noticing subtle cues and hints, but I do not make a big deal of it and let it go. It is not my place to even think about such trivialities.

How do we move forward? Well, I keep searching for my own way of life, independently. I would like things to happen naturally instead of too quickly or to fulfill anyone’s agenda. The best kindness to yourself is making boundaries, but at the same time being respectful of anyone for whom I might be building those barricades, no matter how slight or big. I will continue to be myself and not to let anyone’s values or belief dictate who they think I am. It is between me and my God. The irony of it is that anything or anyone can be your deity, if in your mind you have faith in what that deity can do for you. Money can be your God as well as materialism.

Fiction is the most relaxing moment any of us can have, included in books, films, or any tale made up anyone is thinking that would be most suitable. Allowing children to be expressive and creative within their time of childhood innocence is such a great occurrence, also. Allowing time to recharge for people like me or opposingly being around people all the time to feel good about yourself. It is okay either way, but my introspection is on a different level than anyone else, so I will not deny I can sometimes fabricate myself in character, especially when having fun.

You can put on a front if being humorous, but you would do it around your closest family and friends. Too, you must know who you are relating to and how they will manage it, hopefully, not facetiously from you. Being childish is underserving compared to being child-like, yet at an older age, also mature. Unfortunately, when the mind goes, so does the act of being reasonable.

I sometimes take a walk, and my encouragement for the day may only be a smile from one person. A kind gesture is the start of any great inspiration.


Metaphysical existence is a topic we are just starting to explore. It occurs in other dimensions and worlds. Ghosts, monsters, and aliens are most attributed to the paranormal or anything outside of physical of what we commonly do not perceive. It can be both miraculous and anomalous, depending on how you view it. It seems surreal because it deals with things outside of our world, and for the majority also outside the critically thinking mind.

There are interesting concepts about metaphysical in a ProQuest pointing to an abstract the title, ‘The Contentment Divided: Meditations for Realizing Your True Self’ by Kirkus Reviews. The statement on a quote from Michael Goddart, “Again and again, the author emphasizes the importance of the influence of Saints, adepts, and other exalted beings in the pursuit of wakefulness…and on metaphysical journeys onward to other planes” (Kirkus Reviews, 2024). We seek out those who have experienced such enlightenment before and became experts.

There came about unfamiliar terms such immanent metaphysical time as written by Jason Morgan about the paranormal or otherworld aspects of strange time-born phenomena happening within that timeline (Morgan, 2023). Time does not have the same value as earth time and seems almost nonexistent relevant to other dimensions. Within the metaphysical world materialistic evolutionary thinking goes out the door. As Carl Sagan said, Darwin proposed the theory of evolution on death and time, alone.

The early founders of early psychology like William James gave practical advice about health is good as the attitude should by a stubborn metaphysical refused to submit to evil (Kleinman, 2024). Our lives move toward goodness in belief and thought instead of getting subjected to some kind of immorality. It is a moral medical philosophy we should have of all life from humans to plants and animals.

Even religion teaches of God as in the metaphysical or in a realm outside of our own. Yet, it is mostly an internal journey for each of us to find the truth of who we are within this supernatural tour of life that we cannot experience on the level of our five senses. It takes intuition to find answers, which come forth symbolically, sometimes, even as experienced as they may be.

The spirit moves us sometimes in relation to the questions we have about infinite life scientifically and eternal life morally. They are one in the same but with different viewpoints. We are a world with too much separation of what we believe compared to what others believe, also.

There is no rationality when in a state of conflict. We learn certain things and stick to our guns about them never to sway from those limited beliefs.



Works Cited

Kleinman, Arthur. "William James: Physician of the Public's Soul." The Lancet, vol. 403, no. 10431, 2024, pp. 1014-1015. ProQuest, https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/william-james-physician-publics-soul/docview/3039714219/se-2, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00491-4.

Morgan, Jason M. "The Rise of Immanent Metaphysical Time." New Oxford Review, vol. 90, no. 8, 10, 2023, pp. 36-40. ProQuest, https://www.proquest.com/magazines/rise-immanent-metaphysical-time/docview/2878846865/se-2.

"The Contentment Divided: Meditations for Realizing Your True Self." Kirkus Reviews, 2024. ProQuest, https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/contentment-divided/docview/3037300175/se-2.


Alchemy in everything

Alchemy is the root of all existence. We do not often talk about it because it is truth for every belief. All religions are deep rooted in spiritual alchemy, when we create friction individually or in a group with one religious faith. The world today teaches that alchemy is occult, when ignorantly it is not. It is based on the four prime elements of fire, earth, water, and air but combined to form ether, or the ethereal realm. Mathematics, medicine, chemistry, biology are of the other side of alchemy, or that which is science-based.

Psychological alchemy creates the idea that the brain is God, or least His residence, better referred to as consciousness. The author is speaking of alchemy--and specifically, Carl Jung's psychotherapeutic interpretation of it. In the last major phase of his career, Jung, the father of archetypal psychology, turned to the lost art and arcane texts of alchemy in his research, claiming that alchemical processes subtly embodied and richly symbolized the psycho-spiritual transformations that occur during deep therapy (Mayes, 2003). He was referring to the relationship between teacher and student, not just on a psychological level, but in any teaching of science subjects.

In the ideological alchemy of teaching  South African student about apartheid, Christian education had to use fundamental pedagogics or teachings to keep it in balance. Children educational advancement through skill is the main theme. This paper written in the Journal of Curriculum Studies evaluates these claims and concludes that they are untenable considering the history, nature, and purpose of South African fundamental and didactic pedagogical thinking (Yonge, 2008). There is a connecting of educational and fundamental Christian teachings, which must resolve without conflict. Staying with education, metaphorically, "educational alchemy" is the process by which schools convert into more effective learning environments (Mugits, 1997). The term itself can be use in aspects of literature, as a transmutation or transformation, such as Franz Kafka’s book, ‘Metamorphosis,’ which is a common theme of movies of today of regular people turning into superheroes.

Alchemy, on the metallurgical level, is the transmutation of base metals into gold, which is like transmutation of humans into individuals, who are healthy, but with a different alchemical process. The metaphor of alchemy is used since the practice of alchemy entailed amalgamating base metals in the hopes of transmuting them into gold (Gibbons, 2013).

Therefore, if you really want to talk to the modern alchemist, talk to your pharmacist. They are the chemists working in the medical field that have the knowledge of what medicines consist of, and the properties surrounding them and their use.


Gibbins, Thor. Digital Alchemy: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Investigation of Digital Storytelling for Peace and Justice, 2013. ProQuest, https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/digital-alchemy-hermeneutic-phenomenological/docview/1773213330/se-2.

Mayes, Clifford. "Alchemy and the Teacher." Teacher Education Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 3, 2003, pp. 81-98. ProQuest, https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/alchemy-teacher/docview/61847408/se-2.

Mugits, Michael J. "Educational Alchemy: The Transformation of Schools." ERIC, Resources in Education (RIE), 1997, pp. 1-81. ProQuest, https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/educational-alchemy-transformation-schools/docview/62497077/se-2.

Yonge, George D. "Ideological Alchemy: The Transmutation of South African Didactics (and Fundamental Pedagogics) into "Apartheid Education"." Journal of Curriculum Studies, vol. 40, no. 3, 2008, pp. 409-415. ProQuest, https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/ideological-alchemy-transmutation-south-african/docview/61968378/se-2.

Staying Positive

Around the time of early morning, often around three, I awaken to sit and pray that this will be another good day. Though, I look how much I have done this and realize this is when my mind can start forming thoughts without thinking of anything, specifically. When the thought process is independent of any destructive ideas that try to fight their way in, it keeps me in line with my purpose for this day and not so much giving into depression.

Lately, there are times again when I fail to meet the expectations of others, which made me anxious, but now that does not bother me at this point. The only one I need to make happy is myself, and I am not bound to anyone. For years, living with my mother until she passed, I learned in all relationships, there is a time to commit and communicate properly. Since then, I have gained independence, and I have met women along the way I love, but as far becoming seriously attached to anyone, it has not happened. Even for my one and only marriage of two years, for which I was not ready, I understood that there are certain relationships that must take faithfulness from both me and her.

With that marriage, I made mistakes but do not take full blame, but that love was more of an infatuation like the ones in my youth. I was in it for the physical experience only and not to cultivate a true love, which I know she had for me than I had for her. I saw it in her eyes every time she looked at me, but I did not reciprocate that feeling. I felt bad for not being able to love her like she did me. It was inevitable that it would not last.

I paid the price too many times, as with that marriage and swindling people before and long after that time. I threw pearls before swine and now am struggling, currently for being so vulnerable with people who have no concern, except their own selfishness.

This life has resulted in too many living nightmares regarding about a dozen of the people I have met. Yet, I did not set boundaries and lost much for it, which is a harsh reality for having empathy for everyone.

God, I often wonder, what is in store for me next, as I sift through all the wins and losses of my life so far. From now on, everything will happen naturally but not with or without questioning it first.

Walking your path

Walk your own path and take the fall if you must. Life is difficult to navigate, sometimes, with all its twists and turns as well as its difficulties. I am not saying mine has not been easy, but I have made about a dozen hasty decisions, especially on my own later in life. I trusted people I should not have but remained hopeful in being that way to anyone. I can see disaster coming, but I continue to get right in the middle of it, which is usually costly. There are examples written in article from Psychology about seven reasons to follow your own path, and the one I found really a basis for all of them is the freedom to be who you are.[1]

When walking our own road, there are times when can help other people walk theirs. Here are a couple of examples, and one I have personally done is being a caregiver, helping an elderly person on their path no matter what time they have left. I also found an article on LinkedIn about helping others find their career path. There is a reason, so few people successfully work their way up that coveted prominent level of expertise; they go at it alone.[2] Of course, this points to having a career coach help guide you on the right path to find a career that you love.

We often cross paths with other people, both good and bad. There is also an article from the website Thrive Global in article why we cross paths with others, and in one part of it indicated that we meet other people to either learn or teach,[3] and often it is only a give and take meeting or relationship, which sometimes is costly for the giver. I know this first-hand well.

Regarding trial and error with work, I must try things before I know whether it will be worth my effort or not. At this point in my life, I will not do anything uncomfortable regarding my mentality especially, so the possibility of working from home is conceivable or having my own online business.

My immediate need right now is to make enough money to survive or live without going into a hole I have visited about five to ten times before.

[1] Juliana Brelnes, 7 Reasons to Follow Your Own Path (Psychology Today, April 30, 2016) https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-love-and-war/201604/7-reasons-follow-your-own-path

[2] Nina Abnee, Helping Others Find the Path to Doing What They Love (LinkedIn, January 18, 2017) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/helping-others-find-path-doing-what-love-nina-abnee

[3] Ritu Chawla Ray, Why We Cross Each Other’s Path (Thrive Global, September 7, 2018) https://community.thriveglobal.com/why-we-cross-each-other-s-path/#:~:text=As%20someone%20said%2C%20%E2%80%9CWe%20don,its%20purpose%20to%20be%20there.

Walking through your vices

Walking through your vices and leaving them behind will take time, as you improve yourself in life. You must have elements of change to do this and go past your comfort zone. If you remain stuck in the same rut, monotonously, but not in the sense that you are doing something you have a passion for repeatedly, those vices tend to remain with you. The trick is to not make everything you do psychological.

I admit that I am far from perfect, but every day I, inspired by self-motivation that my life will get better, even with anxiety attached to me. My future mixed with feelings of sadness and happiness, and I am anticipating it all the time, and creating a nervous feeling. The remarkable thing about this is it fuels my creativeness. Creativeness, for me, is one of both dark and light. The opposing effect makes for the beauty of humanity and knowing the choices we make, sometimes, will not be right, and we will get the chance to try it again. It is like failing repeatedly until you become successful.

Success is the result of a series of failures. When you stop on the failure and figure out where you went wrong, you can try it again if you want or move on to something different. That is life and finding your place in it with trial and error.

Walking Through Your Vices Brings to a Life of Virtue

We may hang onto the sins of being human, unless we are ready to enter our divinity and leave all that behind, including letting go of love for a while until that place of pure self-bliss is achieved, or you find a partner on a similar vibration as you.

If you are together with someone, you will slow down and walk with you to the same journey as you, but yet walking through your vices is the only way of removing them.